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How to Choose Best Catering Service in Kolkata?

No event is complete without the right kind of food. You can host any kind of event with the best of entertainment options and recreational facilities. But if the food is not proper, no event can be termed as successful. In fact there have been events which have been remembered solely for the food that was served. If you are a resident of Kolkata and have an event planned in the city, make sure that you find the best catering service in Kolkata. There are hosts of caterers in the city now offering catering services for almost all kinds of events and functions. You might be successful in finding a caterer near me, but make sure that the company will be able to fulfil your requirements well. While looking for caterer in Kolkata, you can follow the below mentioned tips, which can be helpful in finding the best caterer in the city:

  • See if the caterer can handle the kind of event you want to host – All caterers don’t have the setup of hosting all kinds of events. There are caterers who specialize in particular kinds of events and they only take orders for such events. Again there are caterers who are open for hosting all kinds of events as they have the required setup. While hiring the caterer, make sure that the caterer is able to handle the kind of event you are hosting.
  • Enthusiasm to provide tastings – When you are looking for a reputed caterer in Kolkata like New Bhojon Caterer, you will see that they will be willing to provide you tastings of items from their menu. All the items in the menu might not be there, but some selected items are definitely present. After tasting the food, you will be able to make up your mind regarding choosing the caterer or will try and look for another option.
  • Flexible menu options – This is a very important point that you must check even when you are looking for caterer near me. Each catering service provider has some menu items on their list and that is their standard menu. Depending on the event, climate, season and preference of the client, changes, alterations and combinations are set. This is done in a meeting when the menu is fixed finally. You must see that the caterer has flexible menu options. They should be able to adjust their menu if you want some inclusion or exclusion. Massive changes might not be acceptable, but some changes should be done.
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  • Highly responsive and should attend your case with personal interest – You will notice one thing about the company offering best catering service in Kolkata. The company has to be highly responsive in nature and should take your calls or answer your queries. The catering company should know that the event is a special one for you and should attend your case with personal interest. Showing the interest and being attentive has great impact on the client.
  • Proper contract with complete explanation of goods and services – There is a problem not only with caterer in Kolkata, but also with caterers in other parts of India. They often don’t go into proper formal contract with clauses and conditions clearly mentioned in the same. In case of a problem, the process of resolution becomes very complicated and ugly in most of the cases. Therefore before hiring the services of a catering company for your event, make sure that there is a proper formal contract done between the client and the caterer and both parties will have copies of the contract. In case of any kind of breach or problem, the contract can be referred. Along with the clauses, the contract should mention and explain goods and services of the catering company discreetly.
  • Familiarity of the venue – It is always an advantage if the caterer is well-aware of the venue and of the settings there. Different kinds of venues need different kinds of setups. If the caterer knows the venue well, he will be able to suggest what can be done and what cannot be done. Suppose you want a barbecue counter, but the venue you are taking on rent does not allow BBQ indoors. If the caterer near me knows about this, he will be able to guide you in this. Otherwise, a change in the menu has to be done at the end moment when this is known and there are chances of hotchpotch in such a situation. Familiarity with the venue is no doubt a great advantage.
  • Check online for the catering service – All leading businesses including catering companies now have their own websites. If you are looking for the best catering service in Kolkata, it is obvious that you will find the name of the company you are seeking in the internet. Along with going and talking to them personally, it is also recommended to check their website online and also study about their reviews. New Bhojon Caterer for instance has an interactive and intuitive website which can be accessed on desktop and on the mobile. You will also find genuine reviews of the catering services when searched in a genuine review website.
  • Hygiene, cleanliness and good quality food – Since catering service is all about food, it is very important that proper hygiene and cleanliness is maintained while preparing the food as well as while serving the same. Also, a good caterer in Kolkata will ensure that there is no compromise with the quality of the food offered as it is a matter of reputation for them. Most catering companies have an experienced chef in their team along with well-trained kitchen staff.

Many people think that hiring best catering service in Kolkata will be an extremely expensive thing. But you are mistaken if you think so. Some of the companies offering catering services in Kolkata like New Bhojon Caterer offers highly reasonable rates for their services. Moreover, they offer high quality food items in the most innovative styles. Keep the above pointers in mind before hiring a caterer in Kolkata and you will be good to go.

New Bhojon

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70A Surya Sen Street, (College Street Corporation Office Opposite to Ghosal Bia Bari), Kolkata – 700009