Best Bengali Wedding Caterers in Kolkata

All you need to know about wedding catering service provider in Kolkata

Wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a person. It is the beginning of a new journey in life with your life partner. Generally, the beginning of this journey is celebrated with friends and family and relatives by hosting a wedding event and a reception party. Among the various things that need to be considered in a wedding, food plays an important part. It has been seen in many places that people might forget the event, but will not be able to forget the food that had been served. Therefore it is important that the right wedding catering service provider is selected for the work so that people have fond memory of the food that was offered at the wedding. If you are based in Kolkata or have plans of hosting a wedding in the city, you have to look for the best caterer in Kolkata for wedding. Finding a caterer in Kolkata is not a big deal as there are hosts of companies offering catering services for various events.

When you are choosing a wedding catering service provider in Kolkata, there are certain things that you must know. In this article, we enumerate some important pointers in this regard:

  • Know the numbers of years the catering company has been in service – When you are looking for a caterer in Kolkata for wedding, make sure that you check the experience of the catering service provider. This is important because more numbers of years the company has in the industry means that the company has been able to sustain the changes over the years. This indicates the adaptability and flexibility of the company. Also, with more experience, the company will be able to provide more varieties and options in their catering services.
  • Check the experience of the staff and the chef cooking the dishes – It is interesting to note that innumerable catering companies are mushrooming in Kolkata and some of them are indeed good. Before finalizing a caterer in Kolkata for any event, you must check the experience of the staff. Most importantly, enquire about the main chef who will be cooking the dishes for the event. In this regard New Bhojon Caterer needs special mention in Kolkata. The chef and cook associated with the company has extensive experience and has been in this business since many years. This is the reason that this is one of the best caterer in Kolkata for wedding.
  • Emphasis on hygiene and cleanliness – This is a very important point which should definitely be considered and kept in mind while looking for a caterer in Kolkata or in any place. Cleanliness and hygiene plays a very important role when it comes to cooking as well as serving food. The place where cooking is done should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. The utensils and other equipments which are used in cooking activity should also be cleaned properly before and after use. Plates, glasses, cutlery items and other items which are used while serving food should be washed in hot water. If possible, recycling of these items should be prevented while an event is going on to prevent any kind of infection.
  • Capacity of the caterer – This point is particularly applicable when you are looking for a caterer in Kolkata for wedding event. Every caterer has limited capacity. While some catering companies can host an event with 200-300 guests; some have the capacity of hosting an event with almost 2000 guests. While talking to a wedding catering service provider, make sure that you mention the numbers of guests that you are expecting at the wedding. Ask the service provider frankly if they can handle the numbers of guests because you don’t want a chaos at any cost. If you find that the caterer looks hesitant or does not have confidence, refrain from hiring his services.
  • Check the budget before hiring the caterer – When you are in lookout for a caterer in Kolkata, make sure that you have a budget in mind. This is important because there are fixed budgets for various aspects in an event. And catering occupies an important part in the same. But overdoing the budget in catering might hamper other segments. Before you finalize a caterer in Kolkata for wedding, talk in detail about the costing. Also try and know if there are taxes and other things involved in the payment as that will be included in the budget as well. New Bhojon Caterer has excellent transparency when it comes to costing and payment issues. The company has no hidden costs and this is what makes them acceptable with clients and customers.
  • Service contract is important – Generally when we look for a caterer in Kolkata for wedding or any other event, we trust the caterer’s word of mouth. When an advance payment is made against the booking, the caterer in Kolkata might give a receipt of the payment. But there is no formal contract made or signed. However, this is important particularly if the wedding event is of a large budget and involve large numbers of guests. The contract is a safeguard for the caterer as well as for the customer and both the parties will have a copy of the signed contract with them. In case there is any kind of chaos or confusion, the contract can be referred to for ready reference. Insist the caterer for a service contract and read it well before signing.

With the right wedding catering service provider, your wedding will become a super hit event, which people will remember for long. Nowadays many caterers in Kolkata also take responsibility of complete event management. New Bhojon Caterer is one such caterer in Kolkata for wedding and other events. They have the proficiency and capability of arranging grand events along with superb catering services for various kinds of events. Visit the official website of the company for further details regarding menu, services and other things. Get in touch with the company for booking a date for your event right now!

New Bhojon

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70A Surya Sen Street, (College Street Corporation Office Opposite to Ghosal Bia Bari), Kolkata – 700009